Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Technology Background

I don't have much of a technology background and it will become obvious to everyone throughout the semester. We had a computer at home but I didn't use it much other than to check my e-mail or listen to music. If an error on the computer came/comes up I immediately made/make someone else deal with it. I don't really know that much of a computer's potential. In middle school I did learn how to type and in high school I had a computer class where I learned how to create things such as a website and such but the knowledge didn't really stick as I didn't see it as being applicable. Obviously I was wrong and hope to improve on my technology skills. Since coming to college I have taken a power point class and I learned a little about Excel but not that much. While I now know more about these programs than I did before I would still like to continue to learn more and how I could implement them into my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Louisa - sounds like the desire is there. If you have desire and follow it up with determination, you will be able to make it work.

    Sometimes it is hard to see the immediate relevance of some of the things we learn in school. We'll do our best to help you with that. If you aren't seeing the relevance of something though, you should let me know so I can help you with it.
